Moreover, you can independently learn to recover unsaved files. Of course, you can immediately turn to specialists, or you can independently figure out what’s the matter and prevent such situations from happening again.

This, quite a few have encountered this problem: the program starts to freeze, a document may disappear without saving, etc. Microsoft Word has always been an excellent tool for all categories of users, from schoolchildren to professionals. Any changes you've made will automatically be saved.Are you ready? Let's read! About the "Word crashes when saving" issue

If you're not sure which action to pick, choose Always ask.

We're having trouble getting your pages back.") page when you restart Firefox, click the Start New Session button to start a new session and then follow the instructions given below to fix the problem. The same multiple tabs or windows may start opening when you next start Firefox, forcing you to close Firefox again. Firefox includes a Session Restore feature that can restore your windows and tabs from the previous session after a crash or unexpected close. You may be forced to close Firefox if it is repeatedly opening multiple tabs or windows.